Saturday, April 19, 2008

Counter-Point: Why MKDC will probably Fail... Epicly.

The new Mortal Kombat has history stacked against it.

  1. Every Mortal Kombat game has failed to live up to its rivals' gameplay.
    1. Fatalities are the main attraction to Mortal Kombat.
    2. Fatalities DEFINE what Mortal Kombat is, and how it is different than Street Fighter.
  2. Every Batman game (with three notable exceptions) stinks.
    1. And even the three exceptions are basically rehashes of other games.
  3. Fighting games (MK) and beat-em-up games (Batman) are both genres nearing extinction.
    1. There are simply too many games with too few innovations.
There, I kept this one simple for you. But the biggest reason of all is to follow:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the number one reason that Mortal Kombat will fail despite the inclusion of DC Comics characters:

Look at that animation! Look at the lighting! Perhaps it is a long way away, but if the game plays are crummily as it appears it will, then the game will fail due to the final big reason:

It simply is not good.

(For those disappointed, please console yourselves with this beautiful Work of Art.)

Good day, sir.

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